Circular progress bar example using xamarin android

In brief: Here you can check the implementation of custom android widget called circular progress bar in steps using xamarin android.

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It is always a special occasion to cross a new landmark. Today our blog has been received 50,000+ visits all over the globe from 125+ countries. Your visits, interaction to post by comments, suggestion by email and hangout messages made this blog alive and keep running.

ExpandableListView in xamarin android

Expandable List View is basically used to display the list of data with respective categories. Which has the feature to expand and collapse the items in a category when user touches category title.

Material design tab in xamarin android

Introduction: Here I'm adding one more UI component to Android Material Design introduction series i.e. Tab control using android material design library in xamarin android. 

Xamarin android material design Snackbar customization

Another beautiful component introduced with android material design is Snackbar. Which has the features similar like a Toast message in additional with interaction capability, displays at the bottom of the screen.

Navigation Drawer using material design in Xamarin.Android.

In Brief:  Here you can see the Navigation drawer implementation in Xamarin android with simple steps and reduced code using beautiful material design.

Push notification using Google Cloud Messaging(GCM) in Xamarin.Android

In Brief:
 This Post is regarding the implementation of Remote notification or Push notification using Google cloud messaging.

Custom AlertDialog example in Xamarin.Android

In Brief:
In this post i will discuss about one of the basic and most widely used component in an android development called customized alert dialog. There are several way of implementing it, here i will show custom alertDialog creation using "DialogFragment method" and "Layout inflation to AlertDialog".

SQLite Async operation in Xamarin.iOS application

In Brief: 
SQLite is the most widely used backend for Android and iOS mobile application. SQLite is a light weight relational database stores a data to a text file on a device.In this post i'll create a sample iOS application to perform an Async SQLite CRUD operations.

Sliding menu in Xamarin.iOS using GestureRecognizer,CATransition and Animation

In Brief:  Here I'm going through the steps involved in the Implementation of Sliding or Fly in-out menu or How to  making use of Gesture-recognizer, CATransition and Animation in Xamarin.iOS.

Xamarin.iOS Location Autocomplete by using Google Place API

In brief: 
Making use of Google place API to provide the Location auto-complete option with text field in Xamarin iOS.

Sliding/Flyout-in menu in android xamarin using Animation and Gesture detection

In Brief: This article will help you on building sliding menu and expandable description window in android xamarin with simple steps using Animation and Touch detection.