Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Android.Gms.Maps.MapFragment.Map is obsolete deprecated xamarin android

It is always not recommended to use Obsolete API, as it involves risk of non-functioning at any point of time. In this post let us see the alternate for Google map obsolete api MapFragment.Map.

In  previous post i explained Integration of google map v2 in xamarin android,How to use Google geocode and reverse geocode api in, How to use Google Place API with Autocomplete in Xamarin Android,Integrating Google Account in Xamarin.Android, How to customize AlertDialog in xamarin.Android.

Using the "Map" Property of the "MapFragment" marks with a warning "Android.Gms.Maps.MapFragment.Map is obsolete deprecated". 
Instead need to make use of the method GetMapAsync(),which expects implementation of callback object of type IOnMapReadyCallback.

Handling large image compression in xamarin android

Here i will write about how to create rounded corner/Circular Image from the image bitmap and also how to handle large images in

Best Practice and issues with ListView in Android Xamarin

Listing information is an fundamental requirement in any mobile application development. Android developers usually prefers Listview control for this.It makes easier user interaction to data model.

In the previous post  I explained how to Requesting REST Webservice with JSON in C# Xamarin Android, How to use Google Place API with Autocomplete in Xamarin Android.

I have observed some of the below issues with ListView operation.
->Listview Item click showing wrong view position.
->ItemClick event fires more then once.
->Out of memory  exception.

Weather Condition and Forecast App using Xamarin android

Weather is also a another name for "Uncertainty". which is nearly impossible to predict. especially in rainy season changes its mode in a quick time without any clue.

By keeping this in mind, just i have made an attempt to bring the Weather Condition and Forecast estimation app by using the Yahoo weather API.

Requesting REST Webservice with JSON in C# Xamarin Android

In Brief: Webservice is an integral part of Mobile application development. To build any dynamic application web service is must and should. In simple word it is like bridge for the communication between client and server.  In this post i will explain how to build app with REST web service.

Android Soft Key Board/Soft Input Window Customization

This code log entry is regarding adding Action key to Xamarin.Android soft keyboard. When I tried to do this in one of my project,faced a little problem,So updating here to avoid in future ;( and may helpful to somebody those who are looking for the same.
To Add "search" to softkeyboard. 
        android:textSize="22dp" />

Google Place API with Autocomplete in Xamarin Android

In this post i will write down how to make use of the google map place api in xamarin android. Before proceeding here go through with Google map integration have written in steps about google map integration.

In Brief: As and when user enter the character, fetch the matching location with that character from the google server.

Build Google Map V2 in Xamarin Android

Here i’m going to discuss about the steps to integrate the google map in Xamarin android. Cross platform tool Xamarin let's the C# .Net developers to develop App to run on diffent platforms like, Android,iOS and Windows. By sharing maximum amount of code.

In Brief : Integrating google map,highlighting desired location and customizing map controls.